Friday, January 28, 2011

Recycled Craft: Stylish Lunch Bag/ Cute Clutch made from a Wipes Bag in 15 minutes

Okay, so I am elated with how this turned out!  I love it!!!!

This can also serve as a stylish lunch bag

You will need: wipes resealable bag, scissors, black tweed, ribbon, glue and fabric

Before covering the bag make two small holes on the side where you will loop the twine thru. The navy striped fabric I chose was to thin and you could see the writing thru it so I had to cover the wipes bag with a thin white piece of cotton. I traced the wipes bag over the cotton and then cut it right out and glued it on.

I looped some twine through the side of the bag. It is probably smart to just loop it through before you cover the bag with the cotton. Then I traced the bag over the navy striped fabric and then cut it leaving some room for the seams to fold under and then glue. Find some fun ribbon and gather and glue in a circle until you get same look from above.
Option 2:  I also cut the bag in half and made a small pencil bag, hand bag etc... using felt.  This only took about 6min b/c there was no need to fold in fabric, lay thin cotton under it and the ribbon was layed flat. I cut out a butterfly with green felt and glued.

i HEART Pancakes. Pancakes with a message!

Follow the instructions from your pancake mix box. Put batter in squeeze bottles
Then put drops of food coloring inside them.  The more drops the more vibrant the color. Shake well.
   On a hot griddle that has cooking spray on it put your design over it. First put the letter design down and then you grab another color of batter and fill it in over the top and around. Flip it over and voila! Or like this star you can just make the outline with one color and fill it in with another color but don't do the sides.

I discovered this idea on someones blog (can't remember where) and I took it another step by not just creating shapes but sending messages.  . My boys who are 3 and  6 helped me with this and they loved it! It is really easy and great fun for the family.

Valentines day Cupcake boxes

These are great for V-day treats. All you need is a box, tissue paper, glue. and whatever your going to use as sprinkles. I used rhinestones, pom poms

Cut your tissue paper into long strips & twist them loosely. Then start layering them & gluing the layers over each other until it looks like fluffy yummy icing.

Stuff with chocolates or jewelry for your valentine!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Valentines day Crepe Paper Rosette Balls

So the trend seems to be rosettes and ruffles on clothes, home decor, purses etc...

I was trying to come up with an inexpensive craft our 6th grade Girls Only! chats.  The counseling dept. meets with 6th grade girls and we discuss girl topics and do a craft. This was what I came up with after seeing the fabric rosettes on pillows.  I will post pictures soon!

You will need styrofoam balls, I am using crepe paper and making them into rosettes, glue, ribbon to hang (if your hanging it).

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls to die for

Our new New Years tradition is to make a different kind of cinnamon roll to enjoy on the 1st.  Nothing like starting you new year right with lots of sugar!!! 
This recipe is AMAZING! I couldnt stop nibbling. I found it on

Chicken Florentine Artichoke Bake

If you like Artichoke dip you will love this as a meal. This recipe came from Better Homes and Gardens and its fabulous!

Brownie covered Oreos dipped in chocolate

-Use a muffin pan and spray ALOT of cooking spray in it.  I tried both metal &silicone pans and the latter worked better for me.  None of the other websites complained about the metal pan but I couldn't make it work.
-Follow the directions from your brownie mix.
-Dip your oreos in the batter and cover both sides and place each seperately in the muffin pan.
- Stick in oven using the temp. brownie mix called for.
- Shouldn't take more than 10-12 min.
-Getting them out can be really tricky.  Make sure you run a butter knife around the edges to unstick and then let it cool and then pop them out.
- Let them sit for 5 min to ensure that they are totally cool and then dip them in melted chocolate.
- set on wax paper to harden.

Need more chocolate sprinkle crushed: receese pb cups, snickers, milk chocolate bar, butterfinger etc... before the melted chocolate hardens