Wednesday, March 31, 2010

behavior charts and potty training

One of the things I constantly encourage parents to use are behavior charts, incentive charts or reward charts whatever you want to call them they work like a charm for most children.   Consistency is key on your part, finding rewards that are not too luxurious and easily accessible and immediately "celebrating their success" is very important.
They work wonders on my boys, really!  I made one up for all the little battles we were having on a daily basis which were for things like chores, daily hygeine and drinking milk. They get to put a sticker on each space everytime they accomplish something from their chart.  They were so excited that they couldn't wait to do the next thing. 
Warning: The excitement wears off.We only use these for hard to manage problem areas which means they are not permanent in our home. They serve their purpose and then we remove them until we need them again. 
I am about to delve into potty training issues with my boys so I found these great potty training charts online from They have fun ones with different cartoon characters or generic ones and even reward coupons like free movie, icecream,etc...  I usually make my own because our behavior situations usually vary but I was glad to find these cute ones. Say a little prayer for me as we take on this gargantuous task.  At times like these makes I realize all the little things my parents had to do and teach us that I took for granted. The joys of parenting:) 

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