Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I did it! I made the ever intimidating Fondant

I wanted to use fondant for the boys b-day cake this weekend but I wanted to try it first just in case it was a complete disaster. It wasn't a disaster but it was a lot of work. I am sure once I make it 50 times I will be able to say that was easy but at this point it was a long process. Probably not going to happen.
I was breathing and swallowing powdered sugar. Everytime I swallowed it was sweet. It was hard not to inhale the pound of powdered sugar flying in the air. Can you gain weight from inhaling,ha?
You have to knead it til your arms are numb. A bit of exaggeration but you do knead until the fondant doesn't stick to your fingers. I used a Wilton recipe from one of their fondant books. It called for glycerin, gum paste, powdered sugar, clear vanilla extract, unflavored gelatin. I must say this one did taste good. This is the fondant with yellow coloring. That I used for my little spring chickies. Thats another for another post.

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