Sunday, April 18, 2010

Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna

I just downloaded this book to my mp3 and so far its fabulous.  I love his perspective and his points.  This is not a how to with steps but wisdom to guide you as you set up the infrastructure for your home.

This is what the website says about the book: Determined to learn the secrets of those who've raised spiritual champions, world-renowned researcher George Barna conducted a series of surveys and thousands of personal interviews with both young adults and their parents.

In the process, he was able to uncover a number of common denominators to parenting success. Some of his findings will encourage you; others will surprise you. But be forewarned - raising a spriritual champion takes Revolutionary Parenting.


  1. Oooh, that looks very interesting!

  2. so far it has been. i love the concepts. though some aren't new its good to know statisically how successful they have been
