Monday, June 21, 2010

Quick and Easy Creamy Tomato Penne Pasta

My cravings are far and few in between since my nausea keeps me from wanting to eat for pleasure.  But the other day I was flipping through a magazine and saw some advertisements for pasta and I thought I want some creamy tomato sauce over some penne and fresh baked garlic bread to go with it.

Quick and Easy Creamy Tomato Penne Pasta
1 can of Diced Garlic Herb Tomato
1cp of heavy cream
2tbspns of diced garlic
Penne Pasta
olive oil
parmesan cheese

serves 4-5
Sautee garlic in olive oil until slightly brown. 
Add Diced tomatoes with liquid.  Let it simmer for 5min.
Add heavy cream and stir.  Simmer for about 5min.
Pour over your cooked Penne and sprinkle with parmesan.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Told you it is quick and easy.  You can use plain diced tomotoes and season them yourself with Italian seasoning if you don't have Garlic herb ones in your cupboard.

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