Saturday, November 20, 2010

interactive behavior charts

I came up with a fun idea to motivate my kids with their behavior charts.  Right now they are both having problems wetting the bed at night so it was time for mommy to get creative.  I had them paint some styrofoam balls brown and I printed out the head you could even draw it on construction paper and add eyes and beak.  The feet are toothpicks. Everytime they wake up dry they get to pick a feather of their choice and add it to their turkey.  Right now my youngest has 12 feathers after every 3 feathers they get a small reward cookies or candy and with 12 he will get a bigger reward coloring book/book to choose from.  They get so excited in the morning to pick their feather.  Last month, I did a pumpkin patch and cut out lots of pumpkins and had them glue a pumpkin onto a pumpkin patch.  Unfortunately, we will need to continue the chart for my oldest so we put cotton balls on santas beard everytime he wakes up dry.   

Cupcake craze

I LOVE these cupcake trinket boxes.  They are easy to make but take time, is there a project that exist where I can say they are easy to  make and are super easy. 

I will also be selling these at the craft fair. Wish me luck!

Wooden Bowl Art

Inspired by fabric, stationery & paper.  I really enjoy wooden bowl art! Persuaded by many friends to sell them I am going to try to make a couple more pieces and sell it at a craft fair coming up.  They are all purpose bowls and I use them all the time in my house: bread, fruit, candles, salad, candy, at parties to put napkins/forks on them etc.... I have already gifted the first one above which was one of my favorites b/c I love red and b/c of the added Tagua beads on the ends of it.

experimenting with painting my own pottery at home

Christmas time brings out the desire for me to experiment and start new projects. Its probably not the best time of the year to do this since life is already busy with the holidays all on its own and then I add my projects to it.  But busyness hasn't stopped me yet so this time I ordered some pens and paints for ceramic baking.  I must admit I was a bit nervous when it came to baking it.  I was afraid the ceramic plates wouldn't hold up and they would bust.  So far no breaking!

The paint I used was Pebeo Porcelaine 150 Ceramic paint and markers.  Since this is my first time experimenting I don't know if there is cheaper or better quality paint for ceramics but this worked fine for me.

all dressed up! baby boy onesie tie

This is one of my favorite gifts to give to friends having boys.  They are so easy to make and so fun!
a onesie
needle and thread

Depending on the size of the onesie you cut the ribbon accordingly. You will need to pieces of cut ribbon one for the top knot and another one for the bottom.  I sewed both pieces together and b/c its ribbon I didn't need to sew any edges.  Voila you have an adorable little man onesie~

It's a Girl! Oh, wait it's a BOY!


Our 3rd child will soon be joining us, Lord willing, in a couple of weeks.  This past summer we went in for an ultrasound and we were told we were having a girl.  Our first 2 are boys. Alas, I was going to be able to purchase clothes with ruffles, lace and tutus.  I started to prepare her room for her arrival. I made the bedding you see above and I was so excited with the fun girly, girl bright colors I was able to choose from.  I am picky about my baby bedding print so I have always made our babies bedding.  Not to mention its very expensive to buy.  It is work but its always worth it! I really loved the flowered print that was my inspiration. 
Two months later I went in for another ultrasound and I was told it was a boy.  So I went again and was told it was a boy.  I had to have another ultrasound this past week because I switched Drs. and once again I was told it was a boy.  So a BOY it is!  We told our children of the change and my 6yr old says "Mommy why did God change his mind?" 
I finally made myself remove the baby girl bedding I worked so hard on and pack it away.  My husband asked "what was I going to do with the bedding?" I told him I wasn't ready for someone else to have it.  He encouraged me to sell it. Maybe eventually I will but after all that work I am not ready to get rid of it.