Saturday, November 20, 2010

interactive behavior charts

I came up with a fun idea to motivate my kids with their behavior charts.  Right now they are both having problems wetting the bed at night so it was time for mommy to get creative.  I had them paint some styrofoam balls brown and I printed out the head you could even draw it on construction paper and add eyes and beak.  The feet are toothpicks. Everytime they wake up dry they get to pick a feather of their choice and add it to their turkey.  Right now my youngest has 12 feathers after every 3 feathers they get a small reward cookies or candy and with 12 he will get a bigger reward coloring book/book to choose from.  They get so excited in the morning to pick their feather.  Last month, I did a pumpkin patch and cut out lots of pumpkins and had them glue a pumpkin onto a pumpkin patch.  Unfortunately, we will need to continue the chart for my oldest so we put cotton balls on santas beard everytime he wakes up dry.   

1 comment:

  1. Well you sound like a good mom. It’s a good initiative to motivate your kids. These small rewards and feather things are very creative indeed.
