Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ruffled Scarf in 5 min and no sewing involved!!!

Cut a long piece of fleece you can use another scarf as your template. The great thing about this ruffled fleece scarf is you can't tell if you don't cut it in a straight line.

Then every 6 in. cut a small slit and run your ribbon through the slits.   Have fun with the ribbon you choose: satin, colorful, sheer......

Tie a knot at the end of the ribbon and voila it's finished.  You can wear it as loose as you want like the pic. above and it hangs down low. I personally like it tightly around my neck so the full effect of the ruffle is seen!


  1. thanks, it's amazing how necessity makes you creative:)

  2. Umm, word on the street in Joann's is having a crazy sale on Fleece. Could I have found this at a better time? Are you sure it's this simple? Looks great!

  3. Lauren, yes SUPER easy! I love it b/c I can wear it loose or tight around my neck. So versatile! Thanks for stopping by.
