Sunday, February 6, 2011

Total Flop Sunday

I am so glad yesterday was such a wonderful day because todays total flop Sunday doesn't seem so bad.  We had a class picnic planned for my sons Kindergarten class.  This morning it took me a while to get out of bed so I was running behind on everything.  I was supposed to make this deliciousness of a cake to take to the picnic.  I started baking it and then realized that there was no way it would be done baking by the time we had to leave for church.  So I dropped my family off at church and headed back home to finish.  I didn't want to miss all of church so I was rushing to get everything done.  The cake I made was a Chocolate Rasberry cake with Rasberry cream.  The Rasberry cream consisted of cream cheese, rasberry sauce, whipping cream and white chocolate.  Needless, to say this was going to be AAAAh-mazing.  Or at least that was my hope.  I took the cake out of the oven and it just fell apart.  I am not sure what I did wrong but it just crumbled when I took it out of the pan.  I tried to piece it together and let it cool in hopes that miraculously it would harden back to one piece.  It didn't.  I was not going to give up so once it cooled I put the cream sandwiched in between the cake and on top.  As I tried to spread the cream on top it crumbled even more.  Oh my, not pretty.

Once church was over we headed to the picnic and just as we got there it started to pour.  Picnic cancelled. So all that effort and no one was going to eat this mess of cake.  I guess that was a good thing.  One other family showed up and yes you know it I served the cake to them.  I have no shame:).  I will try this recipe again another day in hopes to redeem myself.

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