Friday, March 4, 2011

Maternity Diaper Cupcake

I hope all of you mommies out there have learned to laugh at yourself. This is just a fact of life for us who have brought babies into this world.  For those of you who are clueless this is what your handed shortly after you give birth to your precious little one.  Your pretty much handed your baby and in the same breath your given this GINORMOUS diaper. Oh and by the way you only get 2 so use them wisely.  I don't care what you call it pad, sanitary napkin it's a diaper no matter how you look at it.  I personally hated them and I am sooooo glad to be past that wonderful postpartum time of my life.   

I have a co-worker at school whose signature gift is baby diaper cakes.  This time it was her turn for a shower and I wanted to give her one too.  So I came up with this a maternity diaper cupcake for her.

Since the diapers are so huge I used 10 taped each one individually and then wrapped tissue paper and scrap paper around them.  The top fluffly icing is crepe paper that has been twisted and glued.  And of course topped with a cherry!!

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