Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rainbow Pancake Cake

A birthday celebration in our home looks like this: the week before b-day cake, the birthday party cake, the day of the birthday cake, the class party birthday cake and before we know it we have b-day crumbs coming out of our ears.  So this year I tried to celebrate with not just birthday cake.  The morning of their birthday they got a special Rainbow Pancake breakfast!  Mornings are extremely busy for our family so I didn't try to be supermom I just took out a box of pancake mix and whipped it up. I set out 3 small bowls and in each of them I put some pancake mix and then I added the different colors.  Grapes are really expensive here so they asked for grapes for one of their b-day treats.  Pancake Cake and grapes!  FYI, don't stick a candle into hot pancakes it will wilt in about 5 seconds. 

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