Monday, April 18, 2011


In our home holidays always have a slight twist from the traditional American family.  We are a interracial couple: Mexican-Puertorican and Southern roots living in Ecuador.  Lots of culture to choose from!

Growing up in a Mexican home our family enjoyed the Cascarones tradition on Easter. Decorated eggs are a traditional part of the Easter season in the US and in some parts of Latin America. In Mexico, cascarones, confetti-filled eggshells meant to be broken above the head of a friend, are part of the holiday celebration. Many people make a wish as they break the egg. According to tradition, a confetti shower brings good luck to both the one who breaks the shell and the one whose head it is broken over.

How to Make Cascarones:
Before your celebration, dye empty and clean shells and decorate them with paint or markers. When the design is dry, fill the egg with confetti. A hole punch can be used to make a lot of confetti very quickly. Paper is then glued over the hole to keep the confetti inside. I actually bought my confetti, sooo much easier.

It's an EGG-xellent tradition! Sorry couldn't help myself :).


  1. So fun!

    Love your blog and am your newest follower.

  2. what fun! really cute.

    new follower,

  3. Thanks for stopping by. Glad to have you as a regular!! Happy crafting!

  4. This is such a fun and interesting tradition! I totally want to try it out (though I'm not sure the friends and family will go for it) - but I'm definitely saving this in case I can convince them! Thanks for sharing! : )

  5. oh love this idea! Have never heard of this tradition. Thanks so much for sharing @ Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings

  6. Thx!
    Mel you can just crush the egg in your hand over their head and that way you get the fun activity w/o cracking the egg on the head

  7. I love these! We've attended an Easter egg hunt where there were many of these eggs and had a blast! My kids LOVED it! I am featuring this tonight at Grab my "featured" button.

  8. what a lovely tradition, I am a bit late this year but I am going to bookmark it for next year. thanks

  9. My hubby introduced this tradition to me and I've been hooked ever since! Thanks for sharing this! I've featured you on my post 'eggs, REAL eggs...a tribute to the real egg on Easter':

    Happy Easter!
    ~Jill (also your newest follower!)

  10. So fun! Love hearing about other people's traditions!

  11. so EGG-xcited :) to have all of you new followers.
    stacey, yes i totally agree.
