Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fish Tacos Mexican Style

You know how you peruse a magazine or a blog and you come across an ad or recipe that is mouth watering.  From that point on your hooked you have to try it. Well, I saw a Fish tacos recipe on someones blog and since then I have wanted to try some.  So last night I satisfied my craving.  Apparently, you can buy them in Hawaii, Mexico, Ecuador, San Diego and I am sure in many more coastal areas according to my friends who have been in those areas. 

Fish Tacos Mexican Style

6-8 white fish meat I used a bag of frozenTilapia
1/4 cp of oil
1 pk of Taco seasoning Chipotle flavor I used Taco Bell brand
2 tbsn of garlic paste
1 tspn of salt
2 limes
12 Flour or Corn tortillas

1. Mix all the fish taco ingredients (minus fish) and juice the limes. Mix well. This will be your marinade.
2. Cover the tilapia in marinade and let sit for 10min.
3. Pour marinade and Tilapia into a hot pan.
4. cook until fish is done about 5-8 min.
5. I like my tortillas heated on a comal (griddle). So if you have one use it but make sure they don't get brown otherwise you may end up with crunchy tortillas that you can't bend. As you can see in the picture above this happened to me. I just cut them up and put them in a baggie to enjoy with dip later. Or you can make fish tostadas instead of tacos. Tostadas are pretty much hard shell tortillas where tacos are soft shell tortillas. That was some free tortilla facts for ya!
6. Put fish inside a tortilla and top it with the avocado sauce and pico de gallo.
Pico de Gallo
1/2 onion diced
1/4 cp of cilantro diced
1 tomato diced
1 lime
1 jalapeno diced (optional)

Mix all the ingredients above and juice the lime.  Top off your tacos with pico de gallo!

Avocado Sauce
1/2 cp of sour cream
1 whole ripe avocado
2 tbspns of taco seasoning
hot sauce (optional)

1. Take your soft avocado and slice a wedge into it so you can gut it with a spoon.  This should be pretty simple if your avocado is soft enough.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Put over tacos and then add pico de gallo.

We had this with Strawberry Lemonade Daquiri and Mexican rice!  ENJOY!!


  1. Someone was just telling me how great fish tacos were -- I was going to look up a recipe but I'll try yours instead! Looks yummy even at 8:00 in the morning!

  2. Lauren yes they were yummy! Hope you enjoy them!

  3. I was just looking for a sauce yesterday for fish tacos. THIS sounds perfect! Thanks!

  4. crazy, someone was also telling me last weekend about great fish taco's and I keep seeing them! I guess it's a sign! Thanks for the recipe!
