Sunday, May 22, 2011

Italian Summer Salad

Italian Summer Salad is what I named this yumminess! 

1 cp of cooked sausage of your choice
1 pound of Pasta of your choice (shell, bowtie, etc...)
1/4 cp of cubed brie w/ the rind removed
1 qt Grape tomatoes cut in half or diced tomato
1 tbspn Italian seasonings
1/4 cp olive oil
1/4 cp Sundried tomatoes that have been chopped
1/4 cp parmesan
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook pasta as package directs.
2. Dice sausage and cook. We used Creole Seasoned Sausage, absolutely delicious!
2. Drain cooked pasta and pour into a large bowl.
3. Add olive oil immediately so pasta doesn't stick together.
4. Add the cooked sausage and the rest of the ingredients.

Serve cold


  1. This looks super yummy. I know my family would love it. Please stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

  2. thanks for joining me in the crafting fun! i am popping over right now to your blog.

  3. Fun recipe. I always need new summer salad recipes.

  4. Cindy, thanks. yes, i am always on the look out for those too.

  5. hm girl...looks tasty, i love it

  6. ashley, it is and super easy.
