Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fresh Peas and Ravioli

My usual quick meal go to is PASTA.  This time I thought I would liven it up a bit by using a different kind of pasta and a yummy simple sauce.


1/2 cp of fresh peas
a bag of Ravioli enough to feed 4
1/3 cp White Vinegar
1/3 cp of Olive Oil
1 tbspn of sugar
2 tspns of salt
2 tbl of garlic paste

1. Cook ravioli as directed on package
2. Boil peas until they are tender.
3. In a large bowl put sugar, salt, vinegar and oil, mix.  Put peas and ravioli in bowl and stir.  Add pepper to taste.

Told you it was easy now you have to make it so you can believe me on how good it is.


  1. Mmm this sauce sounds delicious! I absolutely love peas with pasta. Can't wait to try this out! I'm your newest follower :)

  2. Just bought ravioli last night at the grocery store - thanks to your recipe, I know what to make for dinner tonight! Thanks!

  3. I just so happen to have ravioli in the fridge! I had planned to make the traditional marinara sauce for the family because they are fans. Me...not so much. Change of plans with your recipe! Thank you! I love this fresh and light sauce so much better than the traditional. Can't wait to try it!

  4. luv luv ravioli and i'm gonna make this on wednesday..
    I'm inviting you to add this to our linking party at
    Have a great weekend,

  5. I also loved a different choice with our pasta especially in the summer this sauce seems just right.
    Sweet Little Smoothie, so glad you are following!

  6. Mmmm... sounds good to me!
