Monday, July 11, 2011

watermelon yogurt pops

The only reason I really, really wanted to make these was because they are adorable.  Sure they tasted good and not to mention healthy but the picture screams for summer, picnic blankets, ants, summer pasta salads, mosquitoes, water fights........
If you don't want to use yogurt Kraft has a recipe on how to make it with Jello. In my opinion using yogurt was easier and healthier.

You will need:
  • Vanilla Yogurt
  • Strawberry Yogurt
  • Lime Yogurt
  • Blueberries or chocolate chips for a naughty alternative
  • green food coloring
  • popsicle sticks
  • plastic disposable cups

1. I filled 20 plastic disposable cups with Lime Yogurt (this is the rind of the watermelon) if you want the really green look add green food coloring. Or if you run out the lime yogurt like I did add green food coloring to the vanilla yogurt.
2. Stick it in the freezer for about 30-45 min.(maybe less time). Then add your next layer the white part of the rind. Add vanilla yogurt to cups and freeze again for about 30- 45 min. 
3. Add your sticks in the middle.
4. Add the last layer the strawberry yogurt and drop in blueberries so they look like seeds.

Note: When adding layers I didn't need for the yogurt to be completely solid in order to add the next layer but some what solid to avoid it from dripping down and mixing in with the other flavors.

Freeze until completely solid


  1. OMG, they look so darn cute! I'm going to make them just because they are so cute!

  2. so cute! and easy to make too.. bonus :)

  3. As I was looking at all the link ups my 6 year old said, "Mom, can I click on that one?" I am so glad she did, 'cause it brought us to your adorable and makable pops! I can't believe that anything so darling could be so -dare I say - easy to make! Going to get the supplies today so we can make these asap! Thank you for the inspiration! Jules

  4. Emily I made them for the same reason and thankfully they are yummy and healthy too!

    thanks ladies for the love!

  5. Those are so cute, I will definitely have to try them sometime!

    Visiting from "At the Picket Fence"


  6. I've been wanting to try these! I'd only seen the jello ones and was a little... um... scared to try them but these look super easy!

  7. Big Bears Wife, yes they don't requires as much time or clean up :)

  8. Adorable and so easy! We just featured them on our Facebook Page! Thank you for sharing them with us at Inspiration Friday!


  9. These look super yummy! My boys would love them!

  10. Those look absolutely delicious! and so cute too. Gotta make these. Thanks. :-)

  11. thx ladies. Jules, love that your daughter picked this one.

  12. I love cute food that is healthy too! ...and this is adorable.

  13. these look amazing! not sure it would work here though as our strawberry yogurt is more baby pink than this red... but they sure look yum!

  14. MJ use a couple of drops of food coloring.

    thx ladies for all the kind comments.

  15. These look delicious! I hope you will share at my party : )

  16. Those are SO cute! My daughter would love these. I'd love it if you'd link this up to my Weekend Warrior Party on Mondays.


    Here's the link:
