Thursday, August 11, 2011

Freezing Baby Food in Ice Trays


Freezing baby food in ice trays is so great because it allows you to make tons at one time and most icecube trays are about 1oz or more. 

In my lifetime as a mom I have discovered that every household has different guidelines and rules for storing food so read my info as just another mom sharing what I have discovered to work.  If you have stricter guidelines than what I posted from Momtastic than do what works for you. 

This is some of the research that I have done on freezing baby food but feel free to google it yourself for more info.
This is from Momtastic she has more info on her website:
For optimal quality and nutrient retention, keep frozen baby food cubes in the freezer for a maximum of 3 months.Baby food cubes are safe to remain in the freezer from 3 to 6 months. Using baby food cubes within 1 month to 3 months is really more prudent. Due to the amount of water crystals that tend to build up with baby food purees, and due to the fact that nutrients may leach/evaporate upon thawing because of the water crystals, it is more prudent to use your frozen baby foods cubes as soon as possible - 3 months of storage tops. We always recommend using within 1 month if at all possible.

In the refrigerator, it is recommended that fresh pureed homemade baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours (many food safety authorities say that 72 hour is fine.). This limit ensures that bacteria growth in the puree is kept to a minimum and that the food does not take on the "taste of the fridge". This "rule" applies for veggies, fruits, meats etc.
If you do not plan to freeze your homemade baby food, I suggest that you make the puree on a day to day, or every other day, basis. For example, one sweet potato may be baked and then you may freeze one half without pureeing it and then puree the other half. This method will help cut down "waste" and also allow for food safety.
You should not freeze meat purees from meats that have been frozen when raw, thawed, cooked and then frozen and then, thawed again.
If you ever forget what the "rule" is, remember that you can take out a raw frozen roast, thaw it, cook it and then freeze the leftovers for another meal.
Once you have thawed the leftovers, you must use them within 48 hours; you should never re-freeze the leftover-leftovers.

For thawing options whether its: submersion method, microwave or stovetop see momtastic.  In my opinion she has very thorough instructions and options. 


  1. Coming from Tip Junkie! :)
    LOVE this idea... Next baby I am implementing this for SURE!
    Come say hi (and get a great freebie) anytime at:

  2. Great tips! I have a baby and this is right up my alley! Please come and link up at my mommy monday.
