Monday, August 8, 2011

Just You & Me

Planting seeds of love now is so important because when your children leave home, its just YOU and HIM. I have very strong feelings about this statement. I do realize though that it takes a lot of work being intentional by dating each other, asking him questions with depth not just "how was your day?", forgiving him and continously falling in love with him, til death do us apart.

without the Love Birds.

I really enjoyed making this simple painting. I especially love the blue, red and brown color palette!


  1. Absolutely! Love this post. I try to ask more than just how was your day as well.

    I have a fun rosette giveaway going on--you should enter!

  2. Sweet post...and I agree it is important to take time with your husband growing apart can happen so quickly and subtly....

  3. Being a Newlywed my husband and I spend a lot of time together-but I know that will change when life starts to get in the way so thank you for this lovely post reminding us how important it is to be together. I would love it if you linked this up to my weekly link party Tutorial Tuesday

    Newlyweds on a Budget

  4. Very Cute..thank you for joining my link party.
