Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Shake

nos·tal·gi·a (n -st l j , n -). n. 1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past. 2. The condition of being homesick; homesickness. ...

This best describes my feelings every year around this time of the year since we moved to South America 4years ago. Here they don't even have Fall as a season I know so sad because it's my favorite time of the year (and Xmas).  Since I am missing all things Fall I thought I would saturate my house with the colors and goodness of Fall including baking in my kitchen.
This is my Fall color scheme in our home: I love the soft blue green with the toasty orange!

Trees here don't really turn colors but we have this one little tree that has red leaves all year long.  A sweet gift from God to have it in my very own front yard!
Sunflowers are really inexpensive here I got 6 large full flowers for $3.
Bronze painted pumpkin candle holders!
I couldn't figure out if I wanted it in a bowl or on the candle holders?

Now for the Fall comfort drinks
pumpkin pie shake
Pumpkin Pie Shake
Picture & Recipe from Super Healthy Kids
■1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt

■1 cup pumpkin puree

■1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (recipe at end of this pumpkin post)

■1/2 tsp vanilla

■1 TBL brown sugar (or other sweetener)

■7-10 Ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth!

Or Homemade Apple cider to warm your insides!
hot cider
Simple Hot Apple Cider
recipe and picture from Making This Home
3 parts apple juice*
1 part water
cinnamon stick
ginger, thin slice (optional)
lemon zest, several thin slices (optional)
several whole cloves – too many makes it bitter (optional)
1. Pour juice and water into a tall pot with a lid and turn on heat to high. You can see that a lot of the ingredients are entirely optional. We like it that way because then we’re not limited to making cider only when we have everything at home.
2. Prepare spices and add to pot. We put everything but the cinnamon stick in a tea infuser. Otherwise, you have to strain the cider or pick out small chunks one by one.
3. When pot reaches a boil, turn to the lowest setting. Let simmer about 15 minutes. Add thin slices of lemon for decoration if desired.
4. Remove infuser. Ladle into mugs and enjoy.
*When picking out apple juice, read the label and try to get juice without added sugar
Melamine dishes from Target
Global Table Setting
I love the blue in with the orange and brown hues.
Centerpiece of pumpkins covered with mums

Another fun centerpiece!

Last 2 pictures are from BHG

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