Sunday, December 4, 2011

Faux Feather Tabletop Christmas Trees

I know, there are tons of tutorials out there on how to make this trendy tissue paper trees and now I am going to add my 2 cents to the mix.

Using posterboard paper was really ideal or you can buy cone shaped foam.

tissue paper
Poster board that matches your tissue
styrofoam/plastic cup

1. First cut your poster board paper into a large rectangle and begin shaping it into a cone.  As shown in picture some of it may overlap and the ends may not come out even just cut the ends as needed.

2. Place cone inside cup and glue it in. This will give you a solid base for standing.
3. Cut tissue paper into long strips.
4. Then cut paper into little strips but not cutting all the way through just enough to where each strip hangs together.
5. Begin glueing, because I  used white poster board I had to cover the cone in red tissue paper first so later I wouldn't have to worry about white gaps showing.
For the second type of tree (tree on the right on mantle picture above)I used a different effect.
For this one cut tissue paper into squares.
Fold them up like this.  I don't like the ones that are twisted at the end and the front is fluffy so I folded mine to give it a more leveled look. 

Glue them on starting at the bottom first.  I made the mistake of starting at the top. 

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