Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fun Christmas Party Game- Mr. Wright Christmas Book Exchange

This is such a fun game and the older they are the easier it is for it too flow.  Though I have played this game with preschoolers and kindergardeners, with some extra adult help.  We have also played this game on Christmas Eve with the whole family to decide who gets to open the first present on Christmas Eve. With this version we just pass around THE Card that says YOU GET TO OPEN THE FIRST PRESENT. Whoever ends up with this card at the end of the reading is the first picker.

  • You will need the short story The Wright Family Christmas
  • Each child should bring to the party a wrapped book either gently used or new. 
  • Have everyone sit in a circle and instruct them that when they hear you read in the story the words RIGHT or LEFT they need to pass the book in that direction. 
  • Everyone at the end should end up with a book that is not there own. If they do then they can switch with the person next to them.
This is one of the many Kids Christmas Party Games and Ideas from Inspired By Family Magazine.
picture credit: Billy Kids

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the many Kids Christmas Party Games and Ideas from Inspired By Family Magazine.
    picture credit: Billy Kids
