Monday, October 1, 2012

Living Life: Childlike Wonder

As moms we are constantly going.
Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, blogging :), playing, running errands, excercising, grocery shopping, decorating and finding ways to teach our children values, morals and life. There is no end to our wonderful work.

I am relearning the art of finding wonder and fulfillment in the little things in my day.
I love the awe and delight that is captured in my son's face in this picture. 
I long for that but sometimes life gets in the way. The busyness of life blurs my vision and in a blink of an eye, I miss the moment.

Oh, to experience that childlike wonder again.

To stop and enjoy the little things in life:
  • When my son shows me for the 50th time his cool kick.
  • When my baby hands me the little pieces of outdoors that he finds, only his little eyes can see. Sometimes it's even his boogers and in his sweet little baby voice he says "here." Don't worry I won't be staring at his boogers with awe and amazement.
  • To sit in and listen to their giggles and playful chatter.
  • To bend down with my 2 year old and watch the ants go by with amazement.
  • To stop and listen to the birds chirping outside my window.
  • To just sit and play.
  • To be okay with the mess and just enjoy watching my sons revel in it.  (that's a hard one)

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