Monday, March 22, 2010

Super Hero Party

 Coloring Page Party Invitation- Practical and fun! I took head shots of the kids who were invited and then I printed them and cut and paste them to a coloring sheet. I glued the sheet to a heavy stock paper and on the back I put the invitation with the details.The Dessert Table- These cute little swirly pops are made from Marshmallow fondant. I found the recipe on the only thing I did different from her recipe was I put a oreo cookie behind the fondant to give it a crushy texture. Cute and super Sweet!> I also made Fruit pizza. Apparently not popular in Ecuador very few got eaten. I guess we will just have to take them home and devour them.
These were some fun super hero marshmallow fruit kabobs. I used fruit roll ups for the capes and mask. Detailed directions below.
Making a banner that says Feliz Dia was a lot shorter than making one that says Happy Birthday so we took the cultural route on this one.
The 3 layered cake is a mixture of frostings: rolled fondant, marshmallow fondant and cream cheese frosting is the middle layer.
The Activities
Started with Super Hero Karate training
I made some basic capes for the kids with fabric that didn't require sewing and I sewed on the ribbon. We used sticky foam to decorate them.
We had a visit from Superman. The kids were in awe! We did Faster than the Speed of Lighting Race.

Catch the bad guy game. They literally tried to catch our evil spiderman action figures. The trampoline turned into the bat cave.
Took pictures with Superman.

Laser beams attack game- using silly string.
Get the frisbee in the hole game.
Superman Freeze Tag.
As you can see I am not a perfectionistic nor a professional, just a mom who likes to be creative and wants her kids to have fun. This party was one of my most relaxing ones to plan and a lot of fun!We asked a friend to photograph the party so that made it even more relaxing. Having it outdoors was a great idea!