Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring is near, cute lil chickies are here

I had to bake something to test the fondant from below out so I made Strawberry Lemon Chickie Cupcakes. I used the fondant that I was so proud of from below. If I made these again I would just use normal frosting. Though I will say that the fondant held itself together a lot better than the frosting would of since I had to tote them around to 2 different schools. The recipe for the Strawberry Yogurt cake is on and I used boxed lemon cake to make it Strawberry Lemon.
Here they are all packaged up another plus about using fondant instead of frosting I don't have to worry about the frosting rubbing against the plastic bag. I gave these to my boys teachers with a note saying Spring is here End of the school year is near. The chickie w/ the note "Your my favorite gift" went in my sons lunch bag.

Making the fondant yellow is easy. I used Wiltons food coloring and with a toothpick just spread it around on the egg size fondant. Then I just rolled it around my hands and kneaded it until it was yellow. I used chocolate pieces for the eyes, pretzels for the feet and soft pink candy like taffy for the nose.

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