Sunday, July 24, 2011

Gorgonzola, Pear, Chicken & Caramelized Walnut Salad

I had this salad at one of those cute little cafe shops in a small town in the Georgian Mountains.  It was absolutely delish!

So of course the first thing that comes to my mind while eating this is how can I remake it at home.
Gorgonzola, Pear, Chicken and Walnut Salad
2 Bags Baby Mixed Greens
Chicken Breasts, Chopped Into Pieces
2 Cups Candied Walnuts (See Recipe Below)
2 Large Ripe Pears or you can caramelize them see recipe below
4 Ounces Gorgonzola Cheese
3 tbsp chopped red onions
1/3 cp chopped carrots
1/3 cp chopped tomatoes

1. Mix all the veggies in a bowl.
2. Top with chicken and then Walnuts and Pears and sprinkle with cheese.

Caramelized Walnuts
2 Cups Whole Walnuts
1/2 Cup Sugar
Place walnut and sugar in skillet and until sugar dissolves and coats all of the walnuts.  Remove from heat and pour on a plate to cool.
Dressing:  I used my Ranch dressing recipe Here but here is a simple not so strong dressing
1/4 Cup White Balsamic Vinegar

1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper
3/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Mix all together and stir until it's thoroughly mixed.

 I am also going to toss cranberries in my salad next time with the fresh pears. I saw one recipe that caramelize the pears which I think I am going to try that next time and leave out the cranberries.  Oh so many options of deliciousness.
Caramelized Pears
1 tbspn of butter
2 Pears wedged

Put butter and pears in a skillet and cook for about 8 minutes until they are golden brown and caramelized.

Picture from Italian Forever


  1. Yum!! Looks sooo good...I just had to pin it! I will be making this soon! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Jade C. @ Sweet Baby {Mason} James

  2. This sounds delish! I make a pear, Gorgonzola and walnut pizza. The combo is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
    Scissors & Spatulas

  3. jennifer that sounds yummy too. i will have to dabble with that.

    jade, yay for sharing the fun!

  4. This looks amazing! I love trying new salad recipes, pinned this, and cannot wait to try it. I hope you will share this recipe at my HomeMade Monday Blog Party next week at I am your newest follower!

  5. Erin, awesome! I would love to link up if I can remember that far in advance. I am not as organized as all of these wonderful blogging women.

  6. So yummy! I'm trying this one!

  7. OMGosh, this sounds so good! I'll be making this soon. I'm a new follower & can't wait to spend a bit of time snooping around your blog. A follow back would be great, but not mandatory!
    :) CAS

  8. What a great combination of flavors in this salad! Yum! I'll be pinning this for later. Thanks!

  9. I use to make a salad similiar to this and just love the blend of taste. Yours looks just as yummy:) Reminded me I need to make mine soon!

  10. thanks ladies. cas, glad your following. i will have to hop over to yours soon.
