Thursday, April 19, 2012

12 Days of Capturing Motherhood Through My Lens

I have enjoyed the Photo Challenge and finding creative ways to capture my day. 

Day #1 is to capture Where/What/How I spend my day?

This was a hard one because living in another country my days vary. Some days I spend my day trying to flag down a gas truck so that we can have hot water I am sure you would of loved seeing a picture of that. Other days I spend it playing with my little man, working on the computer, catching up with friends, ministry, excerising with friends, bible studies, meetings and did I say meetings, cooking crafting...
Yesterday I spent my day trying to find a hair salon. I was on the road for about 5 minutes and all of the sudden I see my baby through my rear view mirror (he still faces the other way so I should never see  his cute little face in the rear view mirror). He is standing up with a huge smile of accomplishment on his face.  I pull over immediately not noticing that it's a very busy street. I jump in the back seat to buckle him up AGAIN he is of course screaming, crying and putting up a fight.  Finally, I won he is safely buckled! Though I must add in this country most people don't ever buckle up their kids, I have seen newborns in the arms of their mom on a motorcyle. Well, I try to open the back door and I can't. Of course, I can't it's on child lock and the windows are on child lock, ugghhhh some times being safe parents is annoying.  I get my big butt up and jump over to the front seat, did it! I look over to the left to put on my seat belt and I notice two people standing there watching me. They were probably standing there the whole time. I am sure they were fully entertained especially the part where I crawled over to the front seat.

I wasn't going to let this burst my bubble of excitement to get my "feel like a princess haircut." I don't get out much and I especially don't get professional haircuts often so at this point I was determined to get what I fully deserve, pampered by a professional stylist.  Which by the way, get this haircuts here are as cheap as $5. I know and I still don't do this very often.

Anyways, the rest of my trip went like this: missed turned, got lost, all one ways streets so I have to start over again, got lost again, found place, no parking spots, all one way streets so I have to start over again, going home with out a haircut.  I know sad but true.

This is how I felt driving back home in 45min traffic without a haircut.  

 My little man climbed up here in the morning and wanted his breakfast served at the table like everyone else not in his high chair.
My day is usually spent playing with my little man on the floor, a cup of tea in my hand and clicking away on my laptop.

He has been quite moody lately he goes from this cute little smile to this cute little sad face.

By the way I did finally get my haircut! And just in case your wondering, yes, I did feel like a princess afterwards.
Inspired by Family Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Aw, great shots~! That's quite a day! So glad you finally got to feel like a princess ;)
