Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mommy Moments Photo Challenge

Inspired by Family Magazine
I am so excited to be a part of this challenge! I look forward to one day looking back on these memories and to also be pushed a bit more on my photography skills.  A prize helps as a motivator and doing this along with other moms! Stop by and check out the details you have til May 11th.
My pictures for prompt #2 This Puts A Smile On My Face:
This is the picture I am linking up for the challenge!
Kiss on the nose! One of my faves.
This is only a sample for Photo Challenge Participants, I am not participating in the challenge since I am hosting the challenge. I wish I could there are some great prizes.
  • I identified post with the Photo Challenge Button on post
  • I chose to post 3 pictures for this prompt but I am only linking up one for Prompt #2.
  • When I go link up my picture I will title it on the link up: Prompt #2 and link it back to this exact post not my blog.
  • It's important that I only linked up the picture I want to submit for the challenge. I can't link up the first picture of my son on the toilet and then say it's the second one I want in the challenge.  The judges will only consider the picture you link up.
  • If I was doing it just for fun which I am not :) I would put NOT-Prompt #2 when I submitted picture


  1. haha... love the toilet shot... =) cute...hmmm i had 3 kiddos and never took a toilet shot. whats wrong with me ? =)

  2. Love it !!
    I am doing a May Photo a day challenge! I hope to see you over at my blog or FB fan page!!!
