Make believe is a great way for kids to learn! This bilingual map is interactive and because it's laminiated we are constantly writing on it showing our kids where family and friends live. Since we travel a lot our boys are really into playing make believe "travel".
Laminiated map or Bilingual Place Mat Map (I bought this at Walmart)
adhesive velcro dots
foam sheets
I made the airplanes, car, ship, Diva travel bag from felt. I couldn't help myself using leopard felt for the travel bag, I am sure my boys are going to love that girly suitcase.
All of these are attached with velcro so that they can move around the world as they please. Place velcro pieces on the back of the felt objects and on the map. When they are done playing, it goes back on the velcro so the pieces aren't lost.
Now for the MAP. I bought this map at Walmart before we moved to South America. It is a placemat. I love it because I can also write on it with a marker to show our children specifically where we have been in the US or where our missionary friends live. I also love this map because it is bilingual in Spanish and English. You can also print a world map from the internet or buy a world map and laminate it.
The things they learn from maps: when my son was 3 he discovered Dijbouti in Africa it quickly became his favorite country because he pronounced it as 'De-booty'.
This is a really neat idea! Thanks for sharing.