Follow the instructions from your pancake mix box. Put batter in squeeze bottles

Then put drops of food coloring inside them. The more drops the more vibrant the color. Shake well.

On a hot griddle that has cooking spray on it put your design over it. First put the letter design down and then you grab another color of batter and fill it in over the top and around. Flip it over and voila! Or like this star you can just make the outline with one color and fill it in with another color but don't do the sides.
I discovered this idea on someones blog (can't remember where) and I took it another step by not just creating shapes but sending messages. . My boys who are 3 and 6 helped me with this and they loved it! It is really easy and great fun for the family.
Where did you get the squeeze bottles from? I've done some searching around and haven't found any with stellar reviews. Issues had been mostly the tip was too narrow and would get clogged or they leaked.