I love to have fun with paper, food, paint, music and events and just being creative in all of it. However, I don't feel the need to be a perfectionist nor a professional in any of my creations. I wish I could have a blog JUST about the art of cooking, photography, sewing, art, mothering, jewelry making, card making, dancing, gardening, deep spiritual thoughts, decorating, poetry, party planning, baking.... and the list goes on but I can't. I don't think I was created with the ability to focus on one task. I like all of these hobbies layed out before me and the freedom to pick whatever I choose depending on the mood or time I have.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Advent Ideas

Are you looking for Easter Advent Ideas to help you prepare your heart and your child's heart to celebrate Easter?  If so we will be hosting a live hangout with Janine from True Aim who is the mastermind behind the series and Mackenzie from Cheerios and Lattes.

Here are some of my favorite ideas: Resurrection Rolls, Mexican Bread Pudding (ingredients are symbolic of His death, Advent Ideas for the Busy Family, Resurrection Eggs, DIY Cross Activity and Caught in Between the Easter Bunny and the Cross.

 5 Tips in 5 Minutes will offer quick tips to make life easier for busy parents. Our first episode is a Special Holiday edition.  Come celebrate the Resurrection with us! Eggs, bunnies, baskets – that is what most people think about when they hear the word Easter.  Although these things aren't bad, they distract us from the true meaning and joy of the holiday.  I want to bring the Empty Tomb front and center this year by offering you quick and easy activities the whole family will enjoy.

You're Invited to an Easter Live Hangout!

When is the event: This Tuesday March 26th @ 8pm CST
What will take place at this special event: Easter Giveaway! - One lucky participant will receive a "He is Risen" DVD from Nest Learning.

5 Tips - We will showcase an Easter craft, prayer, game, and snacks that help us focus on Jesus and the Resurrection. 5 Minutes - We're busy, so we know you are too!  We will attempt to keep this episode short and sweet so you can have more time with your family and less time researching Easter Activities.

How to participate: RSVP by going to the Google+ Event Page. Remember to follow my special guests and me on Google+ Don't have a Google+ account?  That's OK!  You can view the live event right from this page!  Remember to  follow me on Facebook and leave a comment to RSVP so you don't miss it. Can't make it?  RSVP Yes anyways and come back to watch the recording and get links to all the featured activities whenever you can. Hope to see you here!

*Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.  Void where prohibited.  True Aim and it's special guests are not responsible for the delivery or condition of prizes.


  1. I think this event will serve great for the preparations of Ester. Specially for those families whose both parent are breadwinner. The thing which grasp my interest is, in this event they will teach everything regarding Ester from food till gifts and all in a way that they give lession of Resurrections to others so for me no one should miss this chance of attending this wonderful workshop!

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